陈香 13424128902




   一: 申请人的适用范围:我校各单位以及挂靠学校的各研究院(所)等直接聘用、且已经与我校签订正式劳动合同、身体健康、年龄不超过55岁(特别优秀者年龄适当放宽)的人员。    
A Chinese-English Checklist of Documents for Foreign Experts and Professors Applying for Work Permit in Guangzhou University      
1. 填写完好的个人信息采集表  A completed personal Information form    
Requirement: please fill in the form completely as required in the table    
2. 个人证件照扫描件 scanned Identification photo    
要 求:近期免冠电子照片,白色背景,无边框,面部特征完整,图像清晰,无斑点、瑕疵、印墨缺陷, 头部占据相片大约2/3,,JPG 格式,大小 40K-120k 字节之间,不低于 354(宽)*472(高)像素,不大于 420(宽)*560(高)像素、24 真色彩。    
Requirement: taken recently in the past six months, bareheaded, electronic version, white background, no photo frame, clearly identified, no flaws, headshot covering around two thirds of the entire photo, JPG format, between 40k-120k bytes, no less than 354 (width) * 472(height) picture elements, no more than 420 (width)* 560(height)picture elements, 24 real color    
3. 护照扫描件  scanned copy of passport    
要求:提供护照信息页。护照有效期不得少于 6个月。    
Requirement:the page containing personal information of the passport which is valid in no less than six month.    
4. 最高学位(学历)证书扫描件  scanned copy of highest academic degree /certificate      
要 求:最高学位(学历)证书在国外获得的,应经我驻外使、领馆或由申请人获得学位(学历)所在国驻华使、领馆或我国学历认证机构认证。最高学位(学历)证书 在港澳特别行政区和台湾地区获得的,应经我国学历认证机构认证或经所在地区公证机构公证。最高学位(学历)证书在中国境内获得的,仅提供学历(学位)证书 原件。    
Requirement: highest academic degree/certificate obtained in foreign country should be certified by China’s embassy or consulate in that country or by the embassy or consulate of the foreign country in China, or by China’s certification authority of academic degree/certificate. Highest academic degree/ certificate obtained in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwai should be certified by China’s certification authority of academic degree/ certificate or notarized by notary organization in that region. Applicant who received his highest academic degree /certificate within China can offer only the original academic degree/ certificate.                
5. 个人简历 Personal resume    
Requirement: description of your uninterrupted educational experience and working experience in the past decade. Included in the description of your educational experience are name of the educational institution, starting and ending time of attendance, specialty and academic qualification. Described in your working experience are name of your work unit, country where you work, starting and ending time of your job, occupation, job title and job description are included. If unemployed, starting and ending time should also be reported.    
6. 工作资历证明扫描件  scanned copy of certificate of work qualification    
Requirement: the work unit the applicant has ever worked for is expected to issue the certificate of working experience of the applicant, including the applicant’s position, starting and ending working period of time and projects the applicant has ever been engaged in. The certificate of work qualification should be stamped with official seal or signature of the person in charge. Telephone number or email address for contact is also needed.        
7.聘用合同扫描件 scanned copy of employment contract    
Requirement: a Chinese version of employment contract with Guangzhou University is supposed to be issued with signature of the applicant and official seal of the work unit. Also included in the contract is workplace, duties, payment, starting time of work in China and position of the applicant.    
8.无犯罪记录证明扫描件 scanned copy of no criminal record    
要 求:应当由申请人国籍国或经常居住地警察、安全、法院等部门出具并经我驻外使、领馆认证或外国驻华使、领馆认证。在港澳特别行政区和台湾地区出具的无犯罪 记录证明,应经所在地区公证机关公证。经常居住地指申请人离开国籍国最后连续居住一年以上的国家或地区,不包括在中国境内。无犯罪记录签发时间应在 6 个月内。    
Requirement: the no criminal record should be issued by police, security or court of the country where applicant was born or the permanent residence of applicant, and certified by China’s embassy or consulate in the foreign country or embassy or consulate of the foreign country in China. No criminal record issued by police, security or court of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwai should be notarized by the notary organ of the applicant’s residence. Permanent residence, exclusive of Chinese territory, refers to the country or region the applicant has lived consecutively for over one year after he leaves his country of nationality. No criminal record should be signed and issued within six months.    
9.体检报告证明扫描件 scanned copy of health check report    
要求:由中国检验检疫机构出具的境外人员体格检查记录验证证明或健康检查证明书,或经中国检验检疫机构认可的境外卫生医疗机构出具的体检证明,签发时间均在 6个月内。    
Requirement: a verification of physical examination or health examination report of the applicant, offered by China Inspection and Quarantine (CIQ), is required. Or a verification of physical examination of the applicant, offered by foreign medical and health institution approved by CIQ, is required. The report should be signed and issued within six months.      
10. 随行家属相关证明材料 (如无家属随从,无需提供)  documents of accompanying family members (no documents needed if no accompanying family)    
Following documents of the accompanying family members are required: the page of passport or international travel document containing the information of the accompanying family members, certificate of family relation(marriage certificate required if applicant’s spouse accompanies; certificate of birth or adoption of children required if applicant’s children accompany; certificate of applicant’s birth, or marriage certificate of parents or notary certification required if applicant’s parents or spouse’s parents accompany), physical examination report of family member (only for family member over 18 years old) and electronic photos.